Evolution is thoughtless, lazy and imperfect - and that is exactly why it works!

    © Frank Boots


Biologist, science communicator & actress

Hi, my name is Manon and I have Wild DNA!

By learning more about nature, DNA and evolution, I want to understand life better. Especially the life of animals - including us humans! Such knowledge helps us comprehend and protect ourselves, each other, and the beautiful wild world around us better.

I enjoy the process of gaining new knowledge, and I enjoy sharing that knowledge with others even more!


All of life exists because of nature's flaws

It may sound crazy, but all life is essentially based on mistakes. Mutations, followed up by adaptations. Studying the behavior, DNA, and ecology of animals is extremely valuable, as biology is full of life lessons. All we have to do, is pay close attention.

I am happy to provide customized guest lectures or to assist with biology-related text writing and editing (Dutch and English). Also, I am available as a trainer or consultant in the contexts of science communication and education.

Curious about what I can offer you? Check out
this page.

    © Frank Boots

  • "We are all a bit wild!"

  • Titel Dia

    "Evolve through knowledge"

    Wild DNA
  • Titel dia

    "Let nature inspire"

    Wild DNA
  • Titel dia

    "Wilderness is in your DNA"

    Wild DNA

    © Photo: Frank Boots

Do you have Wild DNA too?

Are you curious about the usefulness of the study of animals, the natural world, and biology? Then Wild DNA is here for you!

All of life exists because of natural flaws, the so-called DNA mutations. Our 'wild DNA'. They may be tiny, but those little errors actually teach us the biggest of life lessons about ourselves and about how the world works.

At Wild DNA, Manon holds up a scientific mirror to you, in order to help you analyze the details in the reflection.

Appointed as "Face of Science" by the KNAW*, the Youth Academy, NEMO, and NGO 'Stichting Lira Fonds'

*Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences / Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen


In my opinion, the most important thing in research is not necessarily finding the right answers, but asking the right questions: that is what keeps a scientist busy! I hope to keep getting better at asking good questions...


When I worked as a consultant, I quickly learned how difficult it can be in the modern world to make sure people can live in harmony with nature. But it is certainly not impossible! I want to hold on to that viewpoint. All of us are changemakers.


I believe that, now more than ever, it is  important to discuss the essence and also the vulnerability of nature. That is why I love telling about my field of study, about what we can learn from animals and the wilderness. Curious? Contact me!

On my website:

Science communication, education and creativity are highly important to me. Therefore, I enjoy running my own company: Wild DNA.

Curious about all the animals I have already researched, worked with, or advised on? Check my animal portfolio, where I regularly post new stories!

My interests vary from evolution to DNA to ecology to behavior... Difficult to choose! But this broad interest has given me a helicopter view over several fields.

On this page you will find more information about my publications, videos, broadcasts, and articles that appear in various media and on various platforms.

Interested in my blogs and news updates? Have a look here - I regularly post stories and I write about work-related news. Enjoy!

Connect? Collaborate? Or just chit-chat? See my contact page for more info and I would be happy to meet over a cup of coffee, tea or lemonade (no straws!).

Watch my DNA talks

Learn more about DNA and evolution through my videos on the Naturalis YouTube channel. Down below is the most recent one, the rest you can find through the button!

Follow Wild DNA online

Follow my social media posts and stories via the buttons!

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